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Gift Registration

Solution If you gave or received the program as a gift then there is an extra step required in order for the end user to obtain the activation key.

This is a two step process.
#1.Submit a Gift Registration.
#2.Send in the activation code for us to be able to generate a key from it.

Has the "gift" recipient submitted a "Gift registration" so that a record is created for them in our database?

If not, then they must do that first.
There are instructions in the Installation And Activation Guide.

And there is also a link on the Registration page that says "If you are not the original purchaser then click here".
This takes them to the "Gift Registration" page.

If the recipient has done that then they'll need to submit an activation code for us to be able to generate a key, just as if they were the original purchaser.
Instructions for this are also to be found in the Installation And Activation Guide.
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Article details
Article ID: 24
Category: Registration
Date added: 2010-04-01 12:33:08
Views: 895

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