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I don't have an internet connection on my machine.

Solution If you have two machines - 1 with internet connection and another without, then you'll need to transfer the information between them in order to to register and apply the activation key.

This isn't hard, just more time consuming than if you had internet on the offline computer.

See Pages 4-8 of the manual -

What you'll need.
Internet access (yours or someone else's) It doesn't have to be on the installed machine.

You'll first need to paste the code (it was automatically copied) from the installed offline machine into a text file and transfer it to a machine with internet capabilities.

Then you'll open up the registration web page and copy and paste the code into the appropriate field and finish the form and submit it.

Once you receive the key from us via email then you can copy it (the attachment/key) from your email machine to a thumb drive, floppy, CD etc. and transfer it to the installed offline machine and finish Step 3 of the registration as usual.
Related articles I can't find my registration code
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I've re-installed. Do I need a new key?
Article details
Article ID: 25
Category: Registration
Date added: 2010-04-14 17:08:04
Views: 1156

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