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I've activated but I'm getting the Registration Screen with a "Negative Countdown"


This article applies to the previous 4.01 version and older.

Please update to the current version, which is the new minimum requirement for activation and support

Open a ticket here at the helpdesk to find out how.


The normal countdown is from 14 days.
If you are seeing a number that appears to be greater than 14 (notice the minus sign in front of the number then you are really seeing a count up that will never expire.

You are in fact successfully registered and activated but apparently something has gone wacky with your computer's system clock along the way.

You are actually getting a reverse countdown. Notice that the number is a negative integer and nowhere near the 14 day countdown.

There are two things you can do at this point.
When the registration screen pops up, simply scroll down to the Run button and bypass the registration page.
This way you can always run the program, but you'll always encounter the registration page.

The other way would be to do a complete un-installation and re-installation followed by re-registering and activating.
Hopefully the system clock doesn't pull another hiccup somewhere in the scheme of things.

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Article details
Article ID: 43
Category: Registration
Date added: 2011-03-31 09:41:37
Views: 967

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