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503 or other Mail Error message when submitting registration

Solution In doing a search on Google here is what it says about a 503 error

"Gateway timeout 503
This is equivalent to Internal Error 500, but in the case of a server which is in turn accessing some other service, this indicates that the respose from the other service did not return within a time that the gateway was prepared to wait. As from the point of view of the clientand the HTTP transaction the other service is hidden within the server, this maybe treated identically to Internal error 500, but has more diagnostic value."

So this could be your server timing out for some reason while trying to submit the registration.

You might also try using a different browser. In other words, if you were using Internet Explorer, then try Firefox. That would eliminate the possibility of cookies or some other browser function from interfering.
Article details
Article ID: 31
Category: Registration
Date added: 2010-06-20 04:07:50
Views: 829

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