Real Book Software Volume 3
Here’s what it would cost if you attempted to do this on your own…
$120.00 – Acquire the C, Bb, Eb, Bass Clef Books at the street price of $30.00 each
$287.10 – Purchase all of the Audios (for the low rate of $0.99 each)
$40.00 – If All audios are not available in digital form, then you’ll have to hunt down the album and transfer from vinyl to the computer. Let’s say 4 songs needed. So 4 albums at $10.00 apiece.
Time and Effort
49 hours – Locate all 293 recordings. Let’s say you spend a very conservative amount of time like 10 minutes finding and purchasing each one
2 hours – Recreate songs that were never released commercially in Band In A Box songs. Let’s say 4 songs at a low ball estimate of 30 minutes each.
12 hours – Scan the 1,444 pages into the computer, non-stop and at the blazing speed of 30 seconds per page.
100’s and 100’s of hours – Write A Computer Database Program
12 hours – Enter the scans into the program. We’ll use the same speed as we used for the scanning.
100’s hours – Enter all of the Data – Names, Song Titles, Tempo, Key etc
You would have to shell out $447.10, and spend over 300 hours of mind numbing collecting and assembling.
I’m sure you’ll agree, the Real Book Software Volume 3 way over-delivers extremely high value for an extremely low price of $127.00 for the download.

But You Are Not Done Yet…
You’ll get these helpful FREE bonuses for you to further increase your overall enjoyment, growth and benefit when intertwined with your The Real Book Software Volume 3.
Free Bonuses
290 MultiTrack MIDIs
Each song has its own MIDI file split into chords and melody tracks.
Great for play alongs. Change keys, Shape them however you like.

Real Book Software Volume 3
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