Real Book Software Reviews

In one of the testimonials you’ll read below, a customer notes that “Real Book Software is a labor of love as well as a business.”
Very, very true. So it is truly doubly rewarding when our fellow musicians and customers give us such positive feedback and glowing reviews.
Of course it is not all a bed of roses out there. And as the saying by Poet John Lydgate, made famous by Abraham Lincoln says, “You can’t please all of the people all of the time.” In these times of anonymity provided by the internet, people seem much more quick to be hostile, angry and complaining – conditions they would never exhibit in person in a face to face situation. Online chat rooms/forums are frequently hotbeds of anger and negativity.
Taking that modern bit of reality into consideration, it is really so outstanding that our Real Book Software users are so overwhelmingly pleased with our offerings. Have a look at this small sample of some of the feedback and reviews we’ve received…
I really enjoy this program of yours. I am a nightclub musician; bass, voice, and guitar, and primarily trained by other musicians and self study. This reference work of yours is a treasure. Thank you for making it and for the continued support.
D. Lieffort
I’m really happy with the software, it has been a superb resource, I mention it to any music people I encounter. I have to mention the midi files are greatly appreciated as well, I use them routinely to work on new tunes. I prefer them to many of the Aebersold play alongs. Plus, it’s cool to be able to change the instrumentation and, to a certain degree the arrangements.Thanks again for your efforts, I really appreciate your work.
P. Dorgan
Now I can immerse myself in jazz bliss…thanks for taking the time and effort to compile this…I’ve used my Real Books for years to play from and you’ve added a new dimension to my playing…let me know if you ever tackle further volumes in the future…thanks again!
B. Ferrebee
Thanks a lot for the GREAT program you sold me. I am very grateful for this fantastic jazz educational program.
The recordings make everything come alive! I’ll be able to listen to the great players and transcribe solos.
A cool thing about it is that I’ll be able to listen to tunes that I never played or heard before and get to really appreciate them.
Again, thanks a lot for your wonderful work. I’ll let my students and musician friends know about it.
Take care,
A. Cruz
I am running your wonderful software. Please let me compliment you. It is something unique to have in few clicks music and chart available for practice, study and fun. Also it is very important to study jazz using as point of reference the best interpretation. You have done an incredible job and I suppose behind there is not only business but a big passion.
M. Leonardi
Fast delivery and product exactly as described. Lots of extra effort from seller on pre-sale questions all answered promptly and with courtesy. I wish all sellers were this great. Thanks For A Great Experience”
Charles R.
Amazing products.The Real Book Software is so good it is unbelievable!!! The Jazz musicians dream come true!!!
My goodness!! you’ve done a fantastic job there.Please keep me informed when your products become available. I will buy in a flash!!. You have to be
commended for all of this.You truly have taken the Real Book into the technological age!! Many thanks.
P.S- The Charlie Parker Fakebook is also great!!
W.J.Jefferson (United Kingdom)
You are totally underselling this. It is easily a $127 no-brainer for any serious musician.
You should consider stepping up your price!
M. Tomlinson
Incredible deal… played from various books last night. Wish I had this 20 years ago. thanks
John Ahlert
Man, having these recordings with the realbook is just … amazing. awesome. thanks!
D. Becherer
I just downloaded the DVD and everything is going fine. It was very easy to install. I just practiced a tune with it .
Thanks a lot for making this possible
Jean Castonquay
Great program! Everything you said it would be.
R. Starr
Just a quick note, it’s sure nice to to deal with someone that backs up what he says.
Your service is great. I sure enjoy the BB Midi files that you gave me with the RealBook software, I am sure having a lot of fun with them
Nice doing business with you.
R. Hadick
Thanks, Very cool program. The MIDI and BIAB files plus the original recording really gets you inside the tunes.
R. Orwin
I had no trouble setting up your software product and it is cool, just like you advertised. The software works really good. I own a copy of Band in a Box and it is really great that you included all those B in a B tunes.
I am very happy
I am a new customer of yours and I have to tell you; the song cuts alone that accompany the charts are worth $127 – no, way more than that! They are a delightful surprise.
Thank you
A. Lieffort
Love the software. Best money I’ve ever spent.
Brenton Meynell
Hey this new software is fantastic! There so much involved and I’m extremely happy with it. The recordings alone are worth a lot more and the ‘bonus’ is also
worth it. The ‘charts’ were just what I was looking for. I was contemplating buying another real book for my collection and looking for charts when I came across
your offer. I saved a lot of time and money. I’ll be checking out more of your ‘stuff’ soon.
J. Lennox
Hurray for me! It is always a pleasure to find such amazing offers on the net. I received my DVD today. You guys are out of your minds!
This is one of the best things I have ever seen!
This is something that is going to entertain me and educate me for the foreseeable future!
A million thanks to the team that put this together.
R. Virtue
Just received and installed the plug-in. A no brainer.
Best regards
I’m a sucker for software, so I sprang for this dvd, and I think it’s a damn good deal.
The best part, to me, is that almost every tune has at least 1 and sometimes 2 legitimate, original recordings. I’m VERY impressed.
The main page is intuitive and slick as hell.Very cool. I can now print out a chart for the keyboard player, 2 horns and the bass player.
I’m very impressed.
Thanks again for the great service. It is rare today, especially when you don’t have to. It will pay off down the road,
B. Balance
The program is crazy cool
M. Powell
What little time I have spent in the MIDI and BIAB files it is well more than I expected in both quality and quantity. This has got to be one of the best music instructional stuff I ever bought, especially having Band in a Box as a base. Just impressed. I will be looking into your other products.
This is a great tool. There are some great tunes I had never heard. I’m having a Jazz moment right now.
G. Heald
Just wanted to let you know that your RealBookSoftware is amazing. Several times over the last 5 years at least I have searched for recordings of the tunes. I
thought maybe there was some compilation out there, but that problem is solved. Great product!
David Barfield
Thanks! Can’t wait to try this program out. Easy installation! Piece of cake. I’m still exploring the programs features. I appreciate the effort you make for entry level computer user to install your programs. I’m a pretty experienced user and it’s nicely done. Can’t wait to use the program w/ my sax playing.
G. Lyall
I think you have a great product. Every music student should have it.
G. Gibson
By the way, this is one of the best music programs I’ve ever used and I use a lot of them. I own a recording studio and every jazz cat that walks through the door hears about this program. Thank you for putting this out and offering it for such an affordable price!
J. McGovern
Thanks so much. What a great resource!
(now to the woodshed)
Kirk Whalum
Great program. install was easy and i finally know the chords to giant steps now!
J. Quartey
I absolutely love the program you have put together, and I am so glad I spent the money to get it. I am extremely pleased with my purchases, and I congratulate you on your fine work and especially your offering these things for a very worthwhile price. Thank you so much. I will be recommending your products every chance I get.
R. Stevenson
Ironically, was looking to see in the 5th edition was still out there. I absolutely hate the 6th edition. Thank you for creating this AND usable for Mac users
J. Paat
I really appreciate what you have done and continue to do. I have told all of my musician friends about it and I hope they become your satisfied customers also. You are indeed an extraordinary resource for studying and appreciating jazz. I know I am hearing and playing better than ever before.
G. Fitzgerald
I’m an ex Navy Band Commodore, and have been gigging an playing jazz for 50 years. Your product is the best thing since sliced bread.
B. Pomerleau MUC,USN, Ret
Thank you for expanding the world of Jazz for me. I have just got this working on my Mac and it is a cracker of a program. I like how the charts are organised and are linked to the tracks. Its Bonza mate!
S. Maloney
Thanks for such a wonderful product! I use real book 1 software all the time and I’m looking forward to book 2. I tell all my friends. This is so helpful, educational and so much fun! Thanks again.
Best wishes
D. Gormley
First of all, you stand behind your products and will help the customer to resolve any issues with the software. I’ve used the software for my small combo, and it’s saved our performances when we most needed it (last minute changes in the programs). The song list and song-playing media are excellent.
Realbook Software is a “must-have” for anyone in the music business, including teaching. Its flexibility allows it to be combined with other programs to enhance teaching and learning, as well as to aid pro performance.
It has become a vital program in my every-day music arrangement/composition, . It, at least, deserves attention with what it has to offer on paper, but to own it and use it, I think you’ll agree, is worth the investment and is a valuable tool.
S. Barrows
A thousand thanks for the realbooksoftware !
It’s so great and easy to install!
R. Roncin
One Word About RealBook Volume II –
S. Potenza
The install and installation for both my programs went fine. They sure are very interesting programs. I wish you luck with this. They can make a lot of jazz players very happy.
H. Martini
Thanks for a fabulous job – couldn’t be happier. No problems installing RB 1 and then patch and then RB 2 plugin onto my little Windows Netbook – your software + BIAB turn it into a 2.9 pound musical powerhouse.
Keep up the great work.
B. Markison, San Francisco
I can’t begin to tell you how much your software has prepared me, as a working musician. I have been spreading the word.
E. Puente
I appreciate your quick and courteous response re my questions. I did not know your program was out there until last week. Glad I found it. It will be used
much as I wind my way back into playing standards and jazz oriented tunes after a long drought. I have had the Real Book since 1976…..the software with ‘real’
recordings opens up a plethora of tunes I probably never would have tried unless I heard them first. It’s a shot of inspiration to have the program….thanks again,
S. Apple
Thanks for the responsiveness in my request. You must work 24/7. Very impressive customer support. No problem installing and I’m up and running.
N. Sato
The software is awesome and having all that original music is just spectacular. This is one of the best application / use of the digital possibilities for music education I have ever seen. Many thanks for what was clearly a labor of love, one look at the price and that becomes obvious.
S. Cippola
I’m really impressed with the product and I will definately be purchasing more. Keep up the good work. You are helping to inspire many amature, semi-pro and professional musicians and keep them playing live with creativity!
Thanks a million.
KD Farr
It works like a champ. Once again, thanks for your help. I’ve never known a software company with better customer support than yours. I’ve recommended your software to my musician friends.
S. Carlin
This software is something that every musician should own! Not only does listening to these tracks with fresh ears inspire a different approach to tunes I play every day, but makes one acutely aware that these tunes are Standards because of the way they were played. Not many of us have the time or money to a build a library of music such as this. But one thing is for sure…my next gig is sure going to be different!
G. Gair
I wish i came across something like this long time ago, it would have saved me Tonnes of time searching for specific songs, going to the library back and forth, spending loads of money in the process. A BIG Thank you for this effort put into this, i have already recommended people to this site and will continue to do so.
S. Dantzie
I have only had your software and fakebooks for a short time, but so far I am amazed at the amount of material. I look for forward to really getting involved.
K. Jennings
Fantastic program. For the money, this is one of the best investments I’ve ever made – both for teaching and my own study. Thanks for putting it together.
V. Day
The RealBooks collection is potentially the greatest program I have ever come across. The capacity to go from song title to the printed music form and print it out; to have variations of key transpositions etc at your finger tips is brilliant.
O. Brown

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For Windows 7, 8, 10, XP and Vista or Mac OSX 10.4 and higher.
The Jazz Play Along Backing Tracks will play on any device or computer program that is able to play MP3 format digital audio files.